Avalon Dreaming, Glastonbury

Experiencing the Coleridge Way.
This book is the author’s experience of walking the 51 mile route of the Coleridge Way in Somerset and Devon, England. Each person who walks the route will have a different experiences and different abilities and connect with the walk in different ways. So with limitations and challenges how do you walk the Coleridge Way? Rather than walking the Coleridge Way from start to finish the route ways are broken up into loop walks and small sections at a time.
With the feelings of stepping not only along footpaths off the 'beaten track' but also stepping into other realms and connecting with views Samuel Taylor Coleridge would have seen, walking and following in footsteps of imagination and inspiration.
Featuring full colour photographs and brief facts, the world of the Coleridge Way is brought to you through the author’s feelings and experiences. This book not only covers places on the Coleridge Way but some other walks and places nearby.
This is more an experience than a walk, it’s not just a walk, it’s a challenge on all levels, emotional, fitness, extremes of weather, yes, even in the English summertime the weather can be challenging and change instantly. Reaching and going beyond personal limits. The Coleridge Way is inspiring, amazing and has the feeling of being ‘on the edge of all.’
From marshland to moorland, coast and sea, rivers and woodlands, green enchanted tunnels and views stretching for miles, hidden villages and places out of time, green trees and fields, this isn’t just a walk, it’s an experience, a way of stepping between worlds, of enchantment and boundaries, edges of land and time.
What this book isn’t:
This book isn’t a walking route guide with footpath routes and distance in miles. There is other information out there either online or in books with those details.

Walking Around Glastonbury
There are many walking books, for short walks and serious ramblers, that isn’t the intention with this book. Nor is the intention to say how short or long a walk is by miles, time, or suitability. Again there are books, apps, and maps for those that prefer to walk this way. After all what may be a long walk to one person can be a short walk to another and what may seem hard to one may be easy to another. Each person is different and has different capabilities.
The intention with this book is to show the enjoyment that can be had on these walks, the views, the feel of the area, not just on the High Street in Glastonbury but pathways the visitor or people newly moved to the town may not know about and want to explore if they do. It is a guide to lead you to where you may want to go and explore, finding other pathways on your walk if you choose. I hint and you can lead your own way. After all Glastonbury, UK, is a unique and magical place to be, unusual and colourful.
This is a book created to guide the reader on walks through and around the town of Glastonbury with suggested places to visit in the surrounding area. With guided routes for example to the Chalice Well, the White Spring and Glastonbury Tor taking in the beautiful countryside views around the town while doing so.
All the walks start from the top of Glastonbury High Street or by the Town Hall (next to Glastonbury Abbey and Glastonbury Information Centre). The walks take in the features of the town centre at the beginning and end of the walks for example Glastonbury Abbey, The George and Pilgrims Inn, the Magdalene Chapel.
Included are walks to Gog and Magog, Wearyall Hill, Brides Mound, the Willow Walk, the Avalon Marshes and the Sweet Track.
Also included are suggested walks in the wider area around Glastonbury where views of Glastonbury Tor can be seen. Combe Hill Woods, Walton Hill, Ebbor Gorge, Deer Leap, Brent Knoll, Brean Down and the beautiful Somerset Levels, all within a travel distance of Glastonbury.
The book features easy to follow routes plus small full colour photographs included to help guide you on the way.
The time taken on the walks can be as long or as short as you want to make them, there are plenty of suggested places to sit and view as well as walk. The walks can be lengthened or shortened if you have access to a car, making the walks suitable for your own plans and giving you the opportunity to discover the beauty of Glastonbury Town and parts of the surrounding area of Somerset.
This is an ideal book to plan your walks, as a gift for someone, or for those who are not able to visit Glastonbury, Somerset, England but want a feel of the town and land.

Walking Around Glastonbury Tor
Exploring and visiting Glastonbury Tor?
This book will help you explore the lanes and pathways immediately around and on Glastonbury Tor. It is meant as a guide for those who are short on time and want to explore the area around Glastonbury Tor. Giving you a flavour of the area, a feel of the place whatever the weather or season. There are some beautiful short walks in this smaller area around Glastonbury Tor, not only on Glastonbury Tor itself but also on the lanes immediately surrounding it. Included are some walks that can be done on the lanes rather than footpaths, making it easier if you wish to go that way and they can be less muddy after rainfall.
It's not a conventional walking book, the distance isn’t given in miles, there are other books and information online with route guides in miles with maps, this book guides through written walk detail descriptions and small full colour photographs. This is a guide to lead you to where you may want to go and explore, also giving you the chance to find other pathways on your walk if you choose. It's more an opening and introduction to explore and sense this magical Isle and place.
An ideal book if you are short on time, want to plan your visit beforehand, as a gift or memento of your visit.
It can also be used as an accompaniment to the Walking Around Glastonbury book which covers not only Glastonbury but the surrounding area.

Glastonbury Landscapes
Come and explore through photographs, words and poetry Glastonbury and parts of the surrounding area.
Featuring beautiful full colour photographs, descriptions of walking and exploring each place in the book and accompanying poetry to inspire.
Featuring, Glastonbury Tor, The Avalon Orchard, The Avalon Marshes, Coombe Hill Woods, Walton Hill, Deer Leap, Ebbor Gorge, Brean Down and The Isle.
With thoughts and experiences from the Author on feel of place through seasons and time.
Come visit through photography and words - Glastonbury, The Isle of Avalon and places where The Isle can be seen.

Poetry for Wedding, Handfasting and Commitment ceremonies.
Have you ever wanted inspiration, words to read out loud, something to guide you?
These words are my words, created over time, from experience, feeling and emotion. Verses in random order for you to browse through and get a feel of what calls you.
If you have ever struggled for words to express how you feel, or need inspiration, then these words are for you.

Verses connecting with nature and the elements.
Have you time to sit, look at nature, the elements around you, time to sit in a field, on a hilltop, a valley, on the cliffs above a beach? to watch the river run by, listen to the sound of water flowing from a well or waterfall?
Have you time to feel the air around you, the rain falling, the sun warming you? Time to listen to the birds singing or cawing, the sound of the wind through the trees and leaves, the words whispered on the wind?
Not everyone gets the time or chance to do these things and connect with nature, with the elements. These verses can open up that world for you. Come, walk the pathway of nature, the elements and spiritual, the words 'whispered on the wind.'

The Well of Dreams
Nestled in the side of a valley below Glastonbury Tor in Glastonbury, Somerset on what is also known as The Isle of Avalon, is a well. A well hidden from view and shielded by trees. Is it a real place, or a place of imagination?
The Well calls, it inspires, it becomes dreams, it is dreams floating through the air, dreams reaching out over the land and enfolding.
This is not only my Well of Dreams but yours. Come discover, come journey, through the Vale of Avalon to the Well of Dreams and Avalon, through verse and full colour image come explore.
With original photographs, and collage images created from some of these photographs, and accompanying verse to create the view that is yours to see.
Inspired by the Chalice Red Well in Glastonbury, Glastonbury Tor, Glastonbury (The Isle of Avalon), and the surrounding land.

Discovering Gwyn Ap Nudd
This book tells of a journey of discovery. Walking and being called by Gwyn ap Nudd and his energies on ‘The Isle’ of Avalon - Glastonbury Tor. From the first journey when the Goddess called years ago and the challenges that brought, to a more recent calling of the God, duality and exploration.
Through walking the land that is the Isle of Avalon - Glastonbury Tor, in all weather and seasons this book explores the feelings and findings through a physical and spiritual journey.
Featuring beautiful full colour photographic images, verse and words this book will open up a world for you to see.

Lockdown on the Levels
Experiences of daily visits through part of the season on the Avalon Marshes during lockdowns and travel restrictions, giving a glimpse into Lockdown on the Levels. The Avalon Marshes are located near Glastonbury in Somerset, England, and are a nature reserve for wildlife. During lockdowns and travel restrictions and times that are not 'normal' plus staying local the opportunity arose to visit every day for part of the season. Watching the famous starling murmuration, ducks and swans and wildlife, with the challenges of people and cyclists and more, this book gives a glimpse into this area of land during this time.

Glastonbury, The Isle of Avalon, The Place and People.
Created over the summer of 2015 this book is a record of a moment in time.
Containing full colour photographs and featuring people who live or work in the town of Glastonbury/The Isle of Avalon with their experiences through words of living in this diverse place.
Also featured, full colour day-to-day scenes of the town of Glastonbury. 'Capturing a moment in time'
Isle of Avalon, Meditations from the Land
Through visual images and guided words this book leads you on three meditations from the Isle of Avalon.
If you are a beginner at meditations, or an expert, or somewhere in-between, then this book is for you. Included are basic instructions and explanations about meditation for those who are starting out, but this book is also suitable for those who already practice meditation as well. The meditations are suitable for your own use or for using in groups. With a basic meditation leading onto the three Isle of Avalon meditations this book can be used by all.
There are pages near the back of the book for you to write notes or draw as well after the meditations.
Glastonbury also known as The Isle of Avalon situated in Somerset, England, is a place known throughout the world for the famous Glastonbury Tor and its associated myths and legends. Through the images and words in this book you have the chance through meditation to connect to The Sacred Isle. This book is for all - those who want to meditate and those who also want to experience and get a glimpse of Glastonbury/The Isle of Avalon.
Notes and Musings journal/blank notebook
This is a 120 page blank notebook for your thoughts and musings. With a full colour front and back cover featuring a collage image of Glastonbury Tor/Avalon Dreaming Buttercups. Each inside page features a black and white collage image of Glastonbury Tor/The Isle of Avalon - Buttercups. With plenty of space for you to write your ideas, or even draw/sketch, on the cream coloured pages.
The book size (approx A5) is ideal to carry around with you.

The Lambs of Avalon Tristan and Alfred's Adventures.
The full book - 10 magical chapters.
Tristan and Alfred are two lambs who live in a field by a strange hill, a hill known as Glastonbury Tor or the Isle of Avalon. What adventures will they find living in this magical place? Who will they meet? Tristan and Alfred are two very adventurous lambs who explore the unknown and face challenges on the way.
With Merlin to guide them the Lambs go exploring and taking steps into the unknown, the two Lambs discover magical realms. Come along with them; meet their friends Blodeuwedd, Morgana and others. Discover with them who rides into the magical doorway, who is in the apple orchard, who talks to them and who dances with them plus lots more. With 10 magical tales set in the landscape on and around Glastonbury Tor, this book brings together a love of the land with myth and legend through the tales of The Lambs of Avalon - Tristan and Alfred’s Adventures.

The Lambs of Avalon
Tristan and Alfred - Their First Adventure
The first in the tales of Lambs, Myth and Magic Introducing Tristan and Alfred, two lambs who live in a field by a strange hill, a hill known as Glastonbury Tor.
Tristan and Alfred go exploring from their field onto the strange hill, the hill known as Glastonbury Tor! There they meet something that will guide them and see something that not many get to see.
What adventures will the lambs find living in this magical place?
Come explore with them, hear their tales, read their adventures.
This is the first in the Lambs of Avalon stories, though each story can be read as a standalone tale.
The stories are inspired by the landscape of Glastonbury Tor, the myths and legends surrounding the Isle of Avalon and the Arthurian legends. Illustrated by Steve Madog. Weaving myth, with experience and magic.

The Lambs of Avalon
Tristan and the Apple Orchard
In this second adventure of the Lambs of Avalon, Tristan and Alfred go exploring in the apple orchard, near the field where they live. They find a new friend there and see some dancing but not all is as it seems! What mysteries will they find in the apple orchard? Come and explore with them.

The Lambs of Avalon
Tristan and Alfred meet Gog and Magog
The third in the tales of Lambs, Myth and Magick.
Tristan and Alfred are curious, they have heard the names Gog and Magog but don't know who or what they are! Merlin overhears them talking and guides them through the fields and lanes of Glastonbury/The Isle of Avalon so they can discover just who or what Gog and Magog are.
Come along with them, walk with them and discover what they find.